Monday, September 17, 2007
Monday, August 6, 2007
Andrew Bird - Armchair Apocrypha
Great album. Much like Mysterious Production of Eggs. Try Simple X.
Simple X - Andrew Bird
Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
Same 'ol, same 'ol. Doesn't mean it's not good, just the same old Spoon that he's always been. Kudos for the attempts at trying something new, but Brett Daniels, you're a one trick pony. A great one at that, though. I mean... don't hate me i love you.
My Little Japanese Cigarette Case - Spoon
The White Stripes - Icky Thump
Duh. I like Conquest.
Conquest - The White Stripes
Of Montreal - Hissing Fauna, You Are The Destroyer
The shiznit. It's one of the more commercial of their albums, but again. The Shiznit. Not a rejecter.
She's a Rejecter - Of Montreal
Ra Ra Riot - Demo & Stuff
Uhh.... I didn't bother filling in the names of the songs for the demo... figure it out. You're smart; you got the internets.
Each Year - Ra Ra Riot (not actually in the zip file, it's on the s/t EP)
Tokyo Police Club - A Lesson in Crime & Smith EP
I don't know them that well... but I'm gonna go see them... and they're fun and cool. I'm gonna be so cool. One of my favorite band names, too.
Be Good - Tokyo Police Club
Vampire Weekend - EP & Stuffs
YO. So good live, and really nice guys too. I don't have the full album yet... Do they have a full album? Gosh I should look these things up.
Oxford Comma - Vampire Weekend
Voxtrot - Voxtrot & Raised by Wolves
Two Voxtrot CDs. Some mega awesomeness. I'm not trying that hard at this.
Stephen - Voxtrot
Tokyo Police Club w/Ra Ra Riot & Vampire Weekend
The Middle East
August 12, 2007
18+, $10 - $12
Boston Globe Calendar
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Enlightenment Thank you, MP.
The Darjeeling Limited Trailer: A Little Spark in my Heart

Bottlerocket = Fun Times Extravaganza
Rushmore = Fantastic Globe Spectacular
The Royal Tenenbaums = Defining Moment of my Life
Life Aquatic = The Second Awakening
The Darjeeling Limited = Orgasm into Oblivion
Day will be Night, the Sun will reflect the Moon, All will be One and One will be Nothing. We will cease to exist and exist indefinitely in eternal euphoria. No stress, Wes, but I expect nothing less.
Here's a little taste of the future - don't explode:
The Darjeeling Limited Trailer
*note. check that out. right there. last sentence. i rhymed like a mother fucker. i got mad skillz! i'm a poet and i didn't even know it, fur realz.
I Spy With My Little Eye Your Google History
Call Congress Now - NSA Spying Bill Headed for Vote This Week!
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reportedly suggested that Congress might soon take action on a bill that could rubberstamp the NSA's spying program. The Bush Administration is trying to sell its latest proposal as a serious compromise, but don't be fooled -- it represents an unprecedented power grab that endangers the checks and balances that define our democracy. Please call your representatives now before it's too late.
Contrary to the Administration's characterizations, its "FISA Modernization" bill is not about "updating" the law and allowing surveillance of foreign-to-foreign communications. Instead, it could radically expand the government's ability to spy on Americans without a warrant.
It's highly irresponsible for Congress to even consider this proposal before uncovering the truth about the still-shadowy spying program. In recent weeks, Congress has made strides towards more vigorous oversight and authorized subpoenas for key information, but the proposed bill would short-circuit such scrutiny.
Tell your representatives to stand strong against the Administration and stop the abuse of surveillance powers.
More info:
- The Administration's latest proposal (July 27, 2007) [note: some trouble viewing in certain PDF readers. Here's a plain text alternative.]
- "Leahy, Rockefeller are talking with administration on surveillance law" (The Hill, June 18, 2007)
Senator John F. Kerry: (202) 224-2742
Senator Edward M. Kennedy: 202) 224-4543
Mass District 5 (Dracut): No rep at the moment! Oh, Meehan.
Keep your call to your member of Congress short and polite. Whether or not he or she agrees with you, what is important is that the staffer knows you are a constituent, and that you want your Senator to oppose "FISA Modernization":
"Hello, I'm a constituent, and I urge my representative to reject any 'FISA Modernization' proposal or any other proposal that would expand surveillance powers and rubberstamp warrantless surveillance of Americans. I oppose the NSA spying program and demand immediate investigations to help stop this unprecedented invasion of Americans' privacy."Original Post Here. Visit to find your Senator's or Representative's number.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
In Beechwood Park...

THE SUMMER PLAYLIST - an improvement on the summer jam and as essential as... a well-written simile in an opening sentence. Well, fuck. Anyway, Beechwood Park is my favorite summer song... can you believe the Zombies are still touring? Only with two surviving members though, I think. Anyway, the Zombies are incredible, and maybe one of the most overlooked bands of the sixties - though those who have looked don't overrate them. We all pretty much agree they were awesome. I'm going to be an acute music journalist in the near future. Enjoy.
- The Decemberists July, July! from Castaways and Cutouts
- Of Montreal Gronlandic Edit from Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer?
- The Arctic Monkeys Fluorescent Adolescent from Favourite Worst Nightmare
- Phoenix Consolation Prizes from It's Never Been Like That
- Jens Lekman A Sweet Summer's Night on Hammer Hill from Oh, You're So Silent Jens
- Mittens Street Sweeper (Live) from Fools on a Holiday
- Architecture in Helsinki Heart it Races (Dr. Dog) from Heart it Races (Single)
- The Beatles Good Day Sunshine from Revolver
- Andrew Bird Simple X from Armchair Apocrypha
- Neutral Milk Hotel Holland, 1945 from In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
- John Vanderslice White Dove
- Eels Packing Blankets from Daisies of the Galaxy
- The Flaming Lips It's Summertime from At War With the Mystics
- Paul Simon Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard from The Royal Tenenbaums-Original Soundtrack
- Mittens Leeway from Fools on a Holiday
- Ben Kweller I Gotta Move from Ben Kweller
- The Blow Parentheses from Paper Television
- Oh No! Oh My! Walk in the Park from Oh No! Oh My!
- Malajube Ton Plat Favori from Trompe-L'Oeil
- The Shins Australia (Remix) from Phantom Limb
- Sufjan Stevens Come on! Feel the Illinoise! from Illinois
- Architecture in Helsinki Heart it Races from Heart it Races (Single)
- The Velvet Underground I'll Be Your Mirror from The Velvet Underground & Nico
- Billy Bragg and Wilco California Stars from Mermaid Avenue
- Kings of Leon California Waiting from Youth & Young Manhood
- Yo La Tengo The Summer
- Ferraby Lionheart Small Planet from Ferraby Lionheart
- Vampire Weekend Oxford Comma from Mansard Roof
- Sondre Lerche (I Wanna) Call it Love from Duper Sessions
- The Zombies Beechwood Park from Odessey and Oracle
- Golden Boy Summer of the Evening
- Belle & Sebastian I'm a Cuckoo from Dear Catastrophe Waitress
- Wilco Hummingbird from A Ghost is Born
- The Pipettes Judy from We Are the Pipettes
- LCD Soundsystem All My Friends (Remix)
- Spoon The Underdog from Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
- The Smiths Ask from Louder Than Bombs
- The Beach Boys Here Today from Pet Sounds
- Beck Girl from Guero
- Arcade Fire No Cars Go from Neon Bible
- Slaraffenland Paranoid Android from Stereogum presents OKX: A tribute to Radiohead
- The Polyphonic Spree Section 30 (Watch Us Explode (Justify)) from The Fragile Army
- Sufjan Stevens In the Words of the Governor from The Believer 2007 Comp
- Sufjan Stevens Casimir Pulaski demo
click here to dl entire playlist
DHS Show Choir
Little do most people know, Fred Astaire got his start under the mentorship of Leon Grande. (not true)
Guess I'm on a video kick, but there are so many good ones! God damn you stumble.
Inlets - Take Away Show
Inlets is playing at Brandeis with the Twilight Sad on September 29, 2007. One of the few concerts I'm helping to plan so you better be there!!
to see the rest of the videos and article, go here:
"Fair and Balanced"
Copy of Internal FOX Memo
5/92003 Let's spend a good deal of time on the battle over judicial nominations, which the President will address this morning.
"Nominees who both sides admit are qualified are being held up because of their POSSIBLE, not demonstrated, views on one issue -- abortion. This should be a trademark issue for FNC today and in the days to come."
“Every morning, there was a detailed, uh, list of subjects to talk about and not talk about.... They were just actually issuing edicts to the reporters to
"control what they could say and how they could say it.”- Larry Johnson, Former Fox News Contributor
“I have been subject to... false, distorted caricaturing... Those wrong pieces of information are repeated and repeated. By the time it reaches me, I don't even know what the source was. This is the environment we're living in and
"it's fundamentally undermining democracy which is based on knowing some good and solid information so that I can make an informed choice.”-David Brock, President /CEO of Media Matters America
"Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will always teach you."
- Shihan, Def Poetry Jam
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Day !.
Well, sure Christine. I'll give you feedback. But why did you make this blog? Maybe then we can give you more informed opinions as to how the graphic should look. Also, if we ask this questions, it'll give you an ill-formed excuse to segue into the next paragraph topic!
Why, thank you for asking, ambiguous-third person. There were three things that compelled me to make this blog:
1. an overarching sense of self-worthlessness*
2. David Sedaris's Me Talk Pretty One Day.**
3. A summer basking unprotected in UV - Unproductive Vegetation.
*brought on by an unfortunate bathing suit incident, a dream riddled with superficial prime time television series characters whose presence mysteriously lead to my untimely death, at which point, I entered into an insufferable afterlife of sitting in my faked-wood paneled bedroom while my demonic dog (in the dream it's demonic, in real life it's a Pomeranian) occasionally visited me at my bedside to show me it's weirdly contorted face like those annoying pug flash-animations, and also the periods.
**Not to blame for feeling of self-worthlessness
I'm restless, yearning to breathe free. Will this blog help? Chained to a lap top, observing more of the mundane, transcribing it here for your viewing pleasure? Yeah. For a while.