Thursday, August 2, 2007

"Fair and Balanced"

Clip from OutFoxed

Copy of Internal FOX Memo
5/92003 Let's spend a good deal of time on the battle over judicial nominations, which the President will address this morning.
"Nominees who both sides admit are qualified are being held up because of their POSSIBLE, not demonstrated, views on one issue -- abortion. This should be a trademark issue for FNC today and in the days to come."

“Every morning, there was a detailed, uh, list of subjects to talk about and not talk about.... They were just actually issuing edicts to the reporters to
"control what they could say and how they could say it.
- Larry Johnson, Former Fox News Contributor

“I have been subject to... false, distorted caricaturing... Those wrong pieces of information are repeated and repeated. By the time it reaches me, I don't even know what the source was. This is the environment we're living in and
"it's fundamentally undermining democracy which is based on knowing some good and solid information so that I can make an informed choice.”
-David Brock, President /CEO of Media Matters America

"Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will always teach you."
- Shihan, Def Poetry Jam

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